Oxenhope CE Primary School


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Comments from the Ofsted inspector and parents: ‘Pupils are safe, and they say that they feel safe’ ‘Pupils are very keen to learn and do well’ ‘Pupils told me that they love coming to school’ ‘The strong relationships, which you and your staff have with parents, are an important aspect of the school’s work.’ ‘You have developed an interesting curriculum that is, increasingly focusing on subjects beyond English, mathematics, science and RE.’ ‘we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this school to anyone and feel lucky to have it in our village’

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Believe and Achieve

from the Head Teacher

Hello, my name is Alice Jones and I am thrilled to lead Oxenhope Church of England Primary School, which is known for it’s inclusive and strong Christian ethos, where the children are thoughtful, caring and excited to learn. Oxenhope Primary School is a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment that offers a sense of belonging and I feel it is an honour to be in a position to serve a community where family and faith are at its heart. We are innovative, aspirational and consistent in our approach, constantly reflecting on our practice. 

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