Oxenhope CE Primary School

Impact – Assessment, Recording and Reporting to Parents


Communication about impact to parents and carers

We believe that good communication between home and school is key to a strong parental partnership. We rely on parents to engage with us by checking Class Dojo and the website on a regular basis.  

We keep you up to date through the school website, Class Dojo information pages and messages, email, and social media.  

How we communicate with you  

· Website –features information about our curriculum and what specific impacts each curriculum subject has https://www.oxenhopeprimary.org.uk/

· Class Dojo – is a wonderfully useful resource and we strongly encourage all parents to download this tool.   We use it to remind you about upcoming events, reminders and information about your pupils academic and social, emotional and mental health needs.

How parents can communicate with us about progress, impact and assessment:

· Email – The main school email address is office@oxenhope.bdat-academies.org

· Class Dojo– we encourage parents to communicate directly with the class teacher by class Dojo initially.  

· Telephone – the school number is 01535 642271 


Reporting Your Child’s Progress 

To ensure that you know how your child is progressing at school, we have two parent consultation evenings, held in the November and March. There will also be an optional parent consultation in July to discuss your child’s report.  

These 10-minute appointments are with the class teacher to discuss your child’s learning and you will also have the opportunity to view your child’s books.  

In addition, we hold open afternoons throughout the year, when your child’s work is available for you to look at with your child.  

At the end of the year you will receive an annual written report detailing your child’s progress overall.  

If you have concerns about your child’s learning, we strongly encourage you to contact the class teacher at the earliest opportunity. Face to face or phone appointments can be made to see the class teacher if appropriate. 


Special Educational Needs and Disability

The school maintains regular contact with parents of children with special educational needs (SEND).  

Each child on the Special Needs Register has an Individual Support Plan (Pupil Passport) which is reviewed and sent home at the end of each half or full term depending on the needs of the child.  

Class teachers meet formally with parents at parent and carers evening, to discuss individual progress but, if there are concerns, it is always possible to arrange an appointment to see staff at other times.  

For some children, there may be reviews with the SENCO and class teacher; these meetings may also involve an outside professional. 

If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or a My Support Plan (MSP) our school SENCO will arrange an annual review once a year with parents and carers and outside agencies. This will review the child’s progress and make any changes to the plan which are needed.  



At Oxenhope, we use a combination of formal statutory assessments (Reception Baseline, Year 1 phonics, Year 2 and Year 6 SATs and Year 4 Multiplication Check), termly testing, mini-quizzes, teacher assessment and end of unit tests to assess children’s progress.