Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Report 2023-24 and Strategy for 2024-27
To read our 2023- 2024 Pupil Premium report and strategy for 2024-27, please click here. Please note that this is a draft version as it is currently awaiting approval by our Board of Governors.
Support is tailored to the individual needs of each student. Examples of support students may be offered include:
- learning support and small group study to aid learning
- pastoral support
- small group reading support
- Use of i-pads in school to enhance progress
- lunchtime / after school clubs
- parent and pupil after school clubs
- specialised training for teaching staff
- play therapy
- financial support for uniform, equipment, residential and school visits, music tuition etc
- Measuring the impact of PPG spending
See the reports below for further details.
Oxenhope Church of England Primary School will:
- measure the impact of the interventions by tracking the progress of the pupil premium pupils on a termly basis
- measure the success of pupils at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 relative to their school targets and against threshold measures.
Pupil Premium Strategy Review
Our Pupil Premium Strategy is currently reviewed at the end of each academic year and the strategy for the following year is released in the Autumn Term. See the documents below for further information about our use of Pupil Premium funding.