We work closely with many professionals to support all looked after and previously looked after children in our school.
Our designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children is Alice Jones, supported by Gillian Dyson and Laura Woodhead.
We work in partnership with the Bradford Virtual School.
Virtual School for Looked After Children
What does it do?
The Virtual School are an innovative team of professionals working with children in care alongside schools and settings to ensure they provide the best provision for our young people in care and care leavers.
Who is it for?
The Virtual School has a staffing structure similar to that of an actual school but without a school building. Children and young people will remain enrolled at their existing school or setting with the Virtual School offering support, guidance and training, to ensure that educational services are effectively coordinated and that cared for children and young people get the best opportunities to reach their fullest potential.
The Virtual School For Children Looked After | Bradford Schools Online